Uma ufuna isixazululo esinokwethenjelwa nesilungele ukuxhuma uhlelo lwakho lwe-liquid chromatography (LC), udinga ukuhlola umkhiqizo wethu: i-PEEK Finger-Tight Fitting Liquid Liquid Chromatography. Lena idivayisi ewuchwepheshe futhi esungulayo engahlinzeka ngoxhumo olungavuzi futhi olungavuzi lutho lwevolumu kuma-LC capillary akho, amavalvu, amakholomu, nezitholi. Kulesi sihloko, sizokwethula umgomo wokusebenza, izinhlobo, kanye nezinzuzo ze-PEEK Finger-Tight Fitting Liquid Liquid Chromatography yethu, nokuthi kungani kufanele usikhethe njengomphakeli wakho.
Umgomo wokusebenza we-PEEK Finger-Tight Fitting Liquid Liquid Chromatography yethu ilula futhi iyasebenza. Iqukethe i-PEEK nut kanye ne-PEEK ferrule edizayinelwe ukuthi ilingane kahle ku-LC capillary. I-PEEK nut inomumo we-hexagonal okuvumela ukuthi uyiqinise ngeminwe yakho, ngaphandle kwesidingo sanoma yimaphi amathuluzi. I-PEEK ferrule inomumo oyiconical okwakha uphawu oluqinile nge-capillary kanye nembobo, ngaphandle kokulimaza noma ukukhubazeka kwe-capillary. Izinto ze-PEEK ziyahambelana nemvelo, azikwazi ukugqwala, futhi ziyahambisana nezincibilikisi eziningi namabhafa.
Izinzuzo ze-PEEK Finger-Tight Fitting Liquid Liquid Chromatography yethu zisobala futhi ziyamangaza. I-PEEK Finger-Tight Fitting Liquid Chromatography yethu inezici ezilandelayo:
• Ikhwalithi ephezulu: I-PEEK Finger-Tight Fitting Liquid Liquid Chromatography yethu yenziwe ngezinto zekhwalithi ephezulu ze-PEEK, futhi idlule ekulawuleni ikhwalithi nokuhlola okuqinile. Iqinile, izinzile, futhi kulula ukuyinakekela.
• Ukufaneleka okuphezulu: I-PEEK Finger-Tight Fitting Liquid Liquid Chromatography yethu kulula ukuyisebenzisa nokuyifaka, futhi ingaqiniswa ngeminwe yakho, ngaphandle kwesidingo sanoma yimaphi amathuluzi. Ingonga isikhathi sakho, izindleko, nomsebenzi.
• Ukusebenza okuphezulu: I-PEEK Finger-Tight Fitting Liquid Liquid Chromatography yethu ingahlinzeka ngoxhumo olungavuzi kanye ne-zero-dead-volume kusistimu yakho ye-LC, futhi ingamelana nezingcindezi eziphezulu namazinga okushisa. Ingathuthukisa ukusebenza kahle kwakho kwe-LC nokunemba.
Njengoba ubona, i-PEEK Finger-Tight Fitting Liquid Chromatography yethu iyisinqumo esingcono kakhulu sohlelo lwakho lwe-LC. Ingakunikeza ukuxhumana kwe-LC kwekhwalithi ephezulu, okulula kakhulu, nokusebenza okuphezulu. Kungenziwa futhi ngezifiso futhi kuhlanganiswe ukuze kuhlangatshezwane nezidingo zakho ezithile kanye nezintandokazi zakho.
If you are interested in our PEEK Finger-Tight Fitting Liquid Chromatography, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are Chromasir, a professional and reputable manufacturer and supplier of PEEK Finger-Tight Fitting Liquid Chromatography and other related products. We have over 10 years of experience and expertise in this field, and we have served many customers from all over the world. We can offer you the best price, the best service, and the best support. You can reach us by email at, or by phone at +86 400-6767580. We look forward to hearing from you and working with you soon.

Isikhathi sokuthumela: Jan-12-2024